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Watery fun galore around your wellness hotel in Tyrol
15 Oct
22 Oct

Water is life.

MOHR lakes and pools

At a wellness hotel, it goes without saying that you can look forward to pools, saunas, and relaxation rooms. Water is the element that enfolds us in well-being and fills us with beneficial strength and warmth. At MOHR life resort, the concept of water includes even MOHR: The hotel’s two bathing lakes open up a range of unique water sports options to you.

Watery fun galore around your wellness hotel in Tyrol

Lake Blindsee

Located at some 1,100 metres above sea level, hidden between the peaks of the Alps, you’ll find a lake jewel. Created by a rockslide more than 4,000 years ago, today Lake Blindsee is a big hit with swimmers, stand-up paddle boarders, and divers. If you’re interested in taking the plunge into the legendary underwater world, you can get the required diving permit at “il Ducatisti”. Our special tip: In winter, you can unleash your adventurous side with ice diving. You can get all the information at the reception.

Watery fun galore around your wellness hotel in Tyrol

Lake Mittersee

Relax, unwind, and have fun – that’s the order of the day at Lake Mittersee. Surrounded by forests and mountains and with exceptional water quality: Swimmers and anyone else looking to cool off on hot days will have the time of their lives here in summer. Would you like to try your hand at fishing at Lake Mittersee? You can get the equipment, your fishing permit, and the odd fishing tip at “il Ducatisti”.

Watery fun galore around your wellness hotel in Tyrol

Lake Weissensee

They say all good things come in threes – and that applies to our lakes, too! The third lake in the MOHR trio is Lake Weissensee. It’s perfect if you want to enjoy a walk along the lake shore and watch the waterfowl bobbing along – calm Lake Weissensee is a real paradise for birds.

Fancy a spot of fishing?

MOHR life resort holds all the fishing rights in the area. If you’re a passionate angler or would like to try fishing for the first time, you’re in the right place here with us. The MOHR team will be happy to support you and give you advice and tips at any time.